
I’m a 24 year old, transgender (non-binary), black, disabled, deaf person with a number of creative interests, which include knitting and writing. Most people would call those hobbies, I guess! My hometown is Chicago, Illinois, and I spent the last couple of years in Boston, MA, but I currently reside near Richmond, Virginia with three great roommates, two of whom have paws (one barks, the other meows).

My medical diagnoses include Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III and epilepsy. It doesn’t sound like much, but the vast majority of my symptoms are due to EDS, like temperature regulation problems, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, chronic pain and fatigue, and muscle weakness (which also affects things like eyesight and fine motor control!). I speak with an intermittent stutter, and also experience tremors, which kind of suck when you’re an artist. I also have bipolar disorder type 1 (depressive), anxiety, BPD, and OCD, and I am awesomely autistic (I tend to stim by flapping, nibbling, tapping, and digging at my skin).

I love talking to new people, and will happily give out my Skype to anyone looking to chat!  <:

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there!

    Loving your blog! I’m in the UK and am also hard of hearing (but not Deaf), and I’ve recently been diagnosed with a drug-induced movement disorder (which is crap!) and have always suffered from anxiety so can completely relate to several of the things you go through!

    I just got some cool new hearing aids today (Phonaks) and wanted to ask where you get your stickers to decorate yours with? They’re v cool! Are they removable?

    Would love to Skype and connect if you would?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! I’d be happy to talk more about my decorations with you! Feel free to send me a message on Skype! My Skype username is defectiveiolite. Talk to you there! You may have to add me as a friend first to send me a message, but just tell me who you are and I’ll add you! :D


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